Conflict of Interest

在调查员的个人考虑或其他外部利益影响的任何情况下都存在利益冲突, or appear to affect, 他们在进行赞助电子游戏正规平台或履行其他机构职责时的判断. Examples of a Conflict of Interest include: a Significant Financial Interest; a Business Interest; and a Familial Conflict of Interest.

大学及其员工经常受益于员工参与公共和私人外部活动. 大学无意不合理地干涉员工的合法外部利益. University Employees, in turn, have an obligation to ensure that their outside obligations, financial interests, 和活动不会冲突或干扰他们进行大学电子游戏正规平台和其他赞助活动的承诺,没有不当影响, and to disclose to the University all actual or potential Conflicts of Interest.

The Boston College Conflicts of Interest in Research Policy and Procedures 建立识别潜在冲突的原则,以及审查和处理实际和潜在冲突的程序,以确保它们不会不当影响大学的电子游戏正规平台和其他赞助活动. By reporting and managing conflicts from the start, 大学和调查员可以共同努力,以防止可能对调查员或整个大学有害的结果.

Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest should be made on grant proposals, IRB protocol proposals and agreements concerning intellectual property. 协助教职员工和电子游戏正规平台人员识别潜在的冲突并管理存在的冲突, 该大学成立了一个利益冲突委员会来评估利益冲突的披露, if necessary, develop a plan to manage it. 对于电子游戏正规平台人员来说,预测和管理潜在的利益冲突是很重要的, since it could have a negative effect on the public’s view of the researcher’s work. 关于可接受和不可接受的外部从属关系的指导方针可以在本页底部的参考资料部分找到.

如果小灵通资助的补助金需要利益冲突培训,可以通过以下方式完成 CITI.

Conflicts of Commitment are addressed in the Faculty Handbook.

如果您对本政策有任何疑问或想讨论利益冲突问题, please contact Leigh-Alistair Barzey, Director of Research Security, Integrity and Compliance.


Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest